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April 2024

"Say Her Name": Laken Riley and the Crisis at the Southern Border

In the latest Gallup poll, Americans say that immigration is the most important issue facing the country [1]. Americans now view this issue more urgent than the economy, inflation, wars abroad, and abortion. It’s not hard to see why. 2023 had the largest level of people who entered the country illegally than in any other year in history [2]. The issue has especially gained traction in the last few months with the murder of Laken Riley, a 22 year old nursing student from Augusta University. On February 22, 2024, Laken went on a morning jog near the University of Georgia, when she was abducted and brutally killed by 26 year old Jose Ibarra. Ibarra entered the United States illegally from Venezuela, and had multiple charges before this incident [3]. Laken Riley’s name made a large presence at the 2024 State of the Union address as members of Congress wore a pin with her name on it [4]. This tragic and senseless murder has been at the center of the crisis on the southern border, and shows why action must be taken immediately.

The United States is no doubt a country founded and built by immigrants. We should continue the idea that the American dream is for anyone who wants to come and earn it. However, we also are a country of law and order, and we must do things in a fair, organized way. Every president since the 1950’s has had their own take on what to do with this issue whether it’s migrant quotas, amnesty, DACA, or border security [5]. When it comes to this issue, politicians have been following the wind and going to what makes them most favorable to the public. The Biden administration is a prime example of this like when Vice President Kamala Harris and White House press stated in 2022 that “the border is secure”, yet President Biden contradicted that statement shortly after by saying “the border hasn’t been secure for the last 10 years” [6, 7].

Americans and cities are feeling the pressure

Studies have shown that legal immigration has a positive effect on the economy and urban development in the United States [8]. However illegal immigration, at its current level, has been a problem not only for states near the southern border, but for America’s large cities like New York and Chicago [9]. Since migrants have been coming in at such high levels in a short period of time, these cities don’t have the resources

to help everyone, which then starts to put pressure on American taxpayers [10]. For example, in January of 2024, New York City temporarily moved migrants from a shelter to a local high school, drawing backlash from locals [11]. This is not fair to the Americans who were already here. Another example of Americans feeling the pressure is California’s new effort to expand healthcare coverage for undocumented immigrants in 2024 [12]. Although it is humane that everyone has access to healthcare, the problem is that it comes out of the American tax money. Currently, the nation is facing many issues where the middle and working class are feeling the pressures of high inflation with high prices of groceries and other life expenses. We need to solve the problems here at home first, so that we can be in a better position to help others coming in.

What about those waiting in line?

This issue at the border is also a betrayal to those who have migrated legally to the United States or those who are waiting to receive citizenship or residency. Currently, green card approval rates are at a record low - 97% of applicants this year will be rejected [13]. Over 100,000 people who were documented in the United States had to wait over 10 years to receive a green card, and 675,000 people will most likely die before getting a green card. America is founded on the idea that everyone gets a fair shot, but people who are waiting to be processed legally have not had those opportunities. We must prevent illegal immigration from happening and prioritize those who are waiting their turn.

Let’s not let another Laken Riley incident happen

Laken Riley was just like one of us. She was in her last semester of school, on track to become a nurse and do so much good in the world. Had the country’s laws been enforced, perhaps her murderer would not have been in Georgia, and she would still be with us today. Many people use the slogan “Say Her Name” as a way to get people to remember what happened to Laken and to avoid more unavoidable deaths by immigration and border reform. The crisis at the southern border needs immediate attention to bring law and order to the country, be fair to those waiting in line, and prevent similar tragedies from happening again.