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February 2024

February Letter from the Editor

Dear reader,

I have to admit it, I love February. I love the abundance of pinks and reds, the candy hearts, the rare but beautiful sunny days punctuated by snowstorms and sneaking out of school to go skiing. I love the emphasis on love that we share with family, friends, roommates, and partners.

There’s one thing that seems to be missing: love for ourselves. Whether it’s a reflection of pressures we put on ourselves or outside forces, everyone seems to be fighting a battle with themselves. Paradoxically, when you’re fighting yourself, you can’t win.

Maybe you’ve given up on your New Years’ Resolutions; maybe the weight of midterms is filling your backpacks with hefty textbooks and late hours in the library. Believe me, I’m right there with you. Life never seems to slow down and everything else seems to stack up.

If you resonate with this, you’re far from alone. According to Forbes, about 70% of adults experienced burnout in 2022. Burnout extends beyond physical fatigue - it can also reflect mental and emotional exhaustion, a lack of energy to do even things you might typically enjoy. It’s often in a success driven mindset that we forget that taking time for ourselves is just as important as taking time for work and school.

Taking care of yourself is an expression of self-love! My hope for you all this month is that you take a minute and be your own valentine.

Megan Baird